6 Days Until Grandma's Marathon!

>> Sunday, June 15, 2008

Six: We all missed it, but the sixth of June was National Doughnut Day. Next year, I’ll throw a huge party to make up for missing it this year.

Six: And I think this six photo narrative is just adorably weird (especially the little guys tongue):

Looks like me the day before a race!


E-Speed 4:54 AM, June 15, 2008  

This countdown has gone beyond bizarre now ;)

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland 7:19 AM, June 15, 2008  

That's one determined fella! He can be your inspiration on marathon day: "If that little guy can stuff a peanut in his cheeks, I can run 26 miles!"

Jade Lady 7:30 AM, June 15, 2008  

He's a cute guy, even though he's a bit nutty. Just like some blogger I follow!

chia 8:08 AM, June 15, 2008  

Awww I want one :-). I'm sure Gizmo the cat would love that!

Happy Sunday!

triguyjt 2:37 PM, June 15, 2008  

little dude is carbo loading...give him a break

CoachLiz 2:41 PM, June 15, 2008  


Just protecting the nuts man!

RunBubbaRun 7:02 PM, June 15, 2008  

Now that's a mouthfull.

Now if would could stuff our face that much.

Viv 7:06 PM, June 15, 2008  

HAHAHA! Have a great week leading up to it.

Anonymous,  7:50 PM, June 15, 2008  

I now have National Doughnut Day on my calendar. I can't believe it was unknown to me until now. Rest up!

faithrunner 10:26 PM, June 15, 2008  

Hey, have a great taper week, I know I will!! Besides nuts, what do you suppose is the best things to be eating the week leading up to the marathon? Hope to "run" into you at Grandma's.

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