10 Days Until Grandma's Marathon!

>> Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Ten days! I’m starting to think about the marathon nearly ever waking moment.

Ten pounds: The amount of weight I lost IN SIX DAYS in the summer of 2004. Here I am before losing the weight:

And here I am, 6 days later, and 10 pounds lighter:

It looks like I lost all 10 pounds from my neck and face.

What’s my weight-loss secret? Popcorn and Kool-Aid. Seriously. In the summer of 04, I was chosen as a contestant for the “Channel 45 Ultimate Extreme Challenge” where the winner received a new SUV. Twelve strangers were locked into a 12x12 plexiglass box (with no roof) at the Minnesota State Fair for up to 10 days. We competed in 4-5 challenges each day that were a mix between gross and extreme. Then, at the end of each day, we voted one person out (if you won a challenge, you might be immune to getting voted out). It was much like “Survivor” meets “Fear Factor.”

The only thing we were fed was microwave popcorn and Kool-Aid. My normal 4-5 poops per day dropped 10 fold quickly (really - I only pooped once every-other day). We were not allowed to bring in any personal hygiene items: no chapstick, deodorant, toothbrush, Q-tips, sunscreen, etc.

I was voted out on the morning of 6th day in the first “big twist” of the competition. The twist was that the individual winner of the first challenge that day was able to vote one person out of their choosing, and Anthony (the winner) picked me. Damn it Anthony. My prize? Fuzzy teeth, stinky pits, and wax-encrusted ears.

Not to toot my own horn, but tomorrows post is going to be pretty good. Top drawer. Male genitalia might be involved. Just maybe. Only if you eat all your vegetables and clean your plate.


Collin Kromke 8:22 AM, June 11, 2008  

I'll be back on Friday, because I don't care to see your twig and berries tomorrow!

Molly 9:02 AM, June 11, 2008  

you look too skinny...but popcorn and Kool-aid huh...have to give that one a try!
take care

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland 9:34 AM, June 11, 2008  

Steve in a box! Have we really not heard this story before?!

greyhound 10:08 AM, June 11, 2008  

Gross and extreme? You?


Joy | Love | Chaos 10:11 AM, June 11, 2008  

You know what I love? The fact that you listed chapstick first. Like it's okay to be stinky, sticky and waxy...but my lips better be nice and moisturized otherwise I'm a raging bitch.

Joy | Love | Chaos 10:11 AM, June 11, 2008  


Raging bitch IN A BOX.

Much better.

Jeff 10:23 AM, June 11, 2008  

I've been struggling to lose another 10 pounds. Now I've got the plan!

If it works, I'll forward this post off to The Biggest Loser. That diet and exercise stuff is crap. This is the diet legends are made of!

Benson 10:31 AM, June 11, 2008  

Bitch in a box. Now that is funny.
I think this taper phase is getting to you...and providing us with some great humor. keep it up.

J~Mom 11:12 AM, June 11, 2008  

Now I know what to make for dinner! Thanks bro!

triblog carol 12:06 PM, June 11, 2008  

Did you make this up!!!!????

21stCenturyMom 12:59 PM, June 11, 2008  

I curse the name of Anthony and spit on his shoes!

I hope HE didn't win the SUV.

Herself, the GeekGirl 1:52 PM, June 11, 2008  

Holy cow, 10 pounds made a huge difference on you. Are you about 5 feet tall or something? 10 pounds weight loss on me is a haircut.

CewTwo 2:17 PM, June 11, 2008  

Wow! What a blog! Definitely a man with a plan and a sense of humor! At least, I hope it is a sense of humor!

Good luck on the marathon. I'll be running my first one in October in some wind blown city out East.

I just have to monitor this blog for a while now!

Anonymous,  3:03 PM, June 11, 2008  

d00d, you are famous for your run @ the Joe Plant 5K :


:) 3:51 PM, June 11, 2008  


Anonymous,  4:43 PM, June 11, 2008  

Wow...you look like a little boy in the second picture. That's a big difference!

hmm...maybe I should try locking myself in a plexiglass box.

CoachLiz 4:53 PM, June 11, 2008  

Those are some amazing before and after photos. How long did it take you to put the 10 lbs back on?

I cannot wait for tomorrow!!!

Anne 5:14 PM, June 11, 2008  

So, why were you voted off first? Was it because you stunk most, or your rival could smell your success??

Kellye Mills 6:15 PM, June 11, 2008  

Wow... that sounds like a competition that would be right up your alley! Glad you got out at day 6 though... if you would have gotten any skinnier, it would have been BAD!

Tea 8:11 PM, June 11, 2008  

bitch in a box
kool aid

you are a freaking riot.

triguyjt 9:40 PM, June 11, 2008  

does it involve you nursing a baby???

just saying!!!

Triteacher 10:14 PM, June 11, 2008  

Un. Real. You, my dear, are stranger than fiction!

Michelle 8:15 AM, June 12, 2008  

You look like you're about 16!

Jade Lady 8:46 AM, June 12, 2008  

I take it your just a little outrageous....aren't you? I've not tried that diet before? Can't wait til your next post!

Kim 2:31 PM, June 12, 2008  

maybe i should start that diet 6 days before IMLP. i need to drop that last 10 pounds and it seems like a good way to do it!

sRod 6:27 PM, June 12, 2008  

That is some scary weight loss. You look like some elfish creative in the second picture.

Brian 2:27 PM, June 13, 2008  

You look like a little kid. Either that or close to a holocaust survivor minus the smile.

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