0 Days Until Grandma's Marathon!

>> Saturday, June 21, 2008

I set this post (like many in the countdown over the past 12 days) to automatically post just after midnight. Right now, I hope to be deep asleep (probably in a hot dorm room) for a few more hours. Please send good thoughts my way and to all the runners today.

There are 2 things I need to remember today: 1: I need to remember to go out nice, calm, and slow. 2: Then I need to remember that I won’t die. It’s gonna hurt. My knee’s going to get a little sore (I’m predicting a 3 or 4 on a 1-10 pain scale). My heel won’t hold up through the entire race, and will hit a 6 or 7 on the pain scale. My feet will get sore, it will be hard to breath, and my muscles will get tired.

But I will not die. I need to push through it. It will hurt. I will survive. I really want to run this race so there is not one ounce of strength in me when I hit the finish line. I need to push hard to hit my goal, but I will not die.

Well, should I ACTUALLY die, I better leave you with something profound. Here it goes:

Never hold in your farts. They will travel up your spine into your brain, and that’s where shitty ideas come from.

p.s. I don’t know how often this will be updated, but here’s the link to the race results that they say will be updated on race day: http://www.onlineraceresults.com/race/view_race.php?race_id=8120. Search for Steve Stenzel and Sarah Linder-Stenzel. Thanks!


sRod 5:59 AM, June 21, 2008  

Good luck Steve!!!

(I second you on the fart knowledge.)

Jumper 2.0 8:35 AM, June 21, 2008  

Shreck always said better out than in!

10k at 7:17 pace. excellent start.

Kevin 9:38 AM, June 21, 2008  

I guess I will have to never worry bout shitty ideas then

J~Mom 10:02 AM, June 21, 2008  

Good luckkkkk!!!!!!

Tracy 10:23 AM, June 21, 2008  

Will be sending good vibes your way, GO STENZELS!!!

ShirleyPerly 10:25 AM, June 21, 2008  

Best of luck to both of you!

Jade Lady 10:13 AM, June 23, 2008  

Best of luck, and thanks for letting me know the importance of letting out the air....

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