More Hot 8K Photos

>> Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Internet buddy SteveQ was at the race, and he posted a few photos of the HOT 8K:

Mainly men lining up on the north side of Summit Ave.

Mainly women on the south side... and me and Jeremy.
Why yes, I AM teaching him how to hand jive.

And SteveQ posted a number of "butt shots" of people running past just before the 4 mile marker. He got one of me off in the distance just after I had waved to him:

Ready (oh so ready) to head downhill with just over a mile to go!

Someone was out there taking photos for MNRed, and Stephanie pointed me out to their photographer, so she got some photos of me in the final quarter mile. For how much I was bitching about how I felt in my race report, I look surprisingly OK in these photos:

In the closing meters of the 8K.

Close-up of the last photo. See... I don't look THAT horrible.
At least you can't see 3 penises like you could in a photo in my race report.

Daintily floating on air, but hurting like a mo-fo.

That's either snot or salt on my cheek. Either way: ewww. Sorry.

After catching my breath, seeing my son, and chatting with a few "race buddies," I started back down the race course to cool down. I ended up stopping to chat with Michelle Frey and Katie McGregor. I hadn't met Katie before, and she just finished 11th in the Marathon Trails! So I nerded-out a little and told her how I was thrilled to see her in the lead pack for so long on NBCs Marathon Trials coverage. And then pro triathlete DKT showed up to say hi too. Here's a photo Tom got of a finisher he knew, and you can see us in the background:

That's David and I to the right, Michelle's ponytail,
and Katie's red hair and white shades.

If you missed my official race report, CLICK HERE (or scroll down a post) to read about how I got beat up at this race. Thanks everyone!


Carolina John 7:06 AM, March 20, 2012  

Cool man! That's a great race. Glad you had so much fun.

SteveQ 10:42 AM, March 20, 2012  

Someday I'll have to bring a camera to a race that costs more than an entry fee - I only recognize people if they're blurred now. I had a two sentence conversation with Katie M. before the race, which ended with her giving me the "stink eye," apparent even through the shades... I have such a way with the ladies.

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