Prizes for the "Bootyshaking Bike-Off"

>> Thursday, October 28, 2010

Last Friday, I posted the rules to the Bootyshaking Bike Off. Basically, you have to make a funny / creative / crazy video of you dancing on / with your bike, put it on YouTube, and send me the link. The public will vote for the best videos, and the winner will win some sweet gear!! (Click here for the post that has all the rules.)

So today's post is more on those 4 sweet prizes the winner will receive! And, as of this moment, I still have NO ENTRIES, so there's a good chance you could win if you entered!! Enter now through 3 pm on Sunday the 31st (Halloween)!!

Anyway (finally), on to the prizes:

SUGOI'S RPM BIKE SHORTS: The SUGOi RPM (Revolutions per Minute) uses compression technology and an 8-panel contour that gives the rider optimal mobility with superior fit. Made of mositure-wicking P3 fabric, which features a sleek surface combined with a buttery texture for maximum comfort, the 20% Spandex content allows for 360 degree range of motion and complete recovery, providing the muscle stability necessary for high energy output activities. Using SUGOi's venerated chamois technology, the PRM are not only comfortable, but stylish, too; Riders have a choice of seven colored logo styles for an individual look, and so that cyclists can match their shorts to other cycling apparel.

My 2 cents: who DOESN'T want "buttery" fabric on their bike shorts?! Mmmm.... butter. The winner get's to pick their size of Sugoi RPMs:

Sugoi RPMs

RYDERS SEEKER: Brand new for 2011 and ideal for the cycling and running crowds is the Seeker. It is lightweight and has an optically-correct lenses that offer 100% UV protection. The semi-rimless design provides superior road vision whether on a bike or pounding the pavement. The photochromic technology allows the lenses to automatically adjust to the current light conditions. Hydrophilic temple tips and nosepads ensure that the frames will not move, nomatter how sweaty you get.

My 2 cents: I love my Ryders "Drills" and "VTX." I haven't tried the "Seekers" yet. The winner of this contest gets to choose from white or black:

Ryders "Seekers"

GU CHOMPS: Chomps contain a balance of complex carbohydrates from maltodextrin and simple carbs from tapioca syrup and cane sugar, as well as a balanced formulation of electrolytes. Like GU Energy Gels, Chomps also have ample portions of antioxidants in the form of vitamins C and E to accelerate recovery from hard workouts. Chomps contain essential branched chain amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, valine and histidine) to provide extra energy, maintain concentration and aid in the recovery process.

My 2 cents: I've used these, and they're a nice break from gels now-and-then. In fact, Chomps have this great quote: "Sometimes, you dont want to suck down another gel. We get that. Chew on this." The winner of this contest get's a box of 16 Strawberry Chomps:

Gu Chomps

ROAD ID: If you are a runner, cyclist, triathlete or just a person who doesn't sit on the couch all day, Road ID is for you. This awesome piece of gear not only looks good but it could save your life. In the event of an accident, if you can't speak for yourself, your Road ID will. Available in 6 different styles. It's not just a piece of gear - it's peace of mind.

My 2 cents: You NEED one of these! I have a Wrist ID in yellow, and Pharmie has one in pink. And if you already have one, giving a Road ID to a loved one is a GREAT gift. The winner of this contest gets a gift card for $31.50 which covers the cost of any Road ID product (like the wrist ID, ankle ID, shoe ID, "dog tag," etc.) AND the cost of shipping. Here are some Road ID options:

The NEW Wrist ID Elite

The Wrist ID

The Ankle ID

The 9 colors of the Wrist ID Elite

So make a fun video of you dancing on your bike (dancing on your bike while it's on the trainer is completely legal [for you safety conscious athletes]), and you could win these SWEET prizes! Click here to see all the "official" rules. (I put "official" in quotes because come on... how "official" am I? Not very.)

Make your video, throw it on YouTube, and send me the link!! I'll respond as soon as I get the link, so look for a response to make sure I got your entry.

Make a video!



D 7:16 AM, October 28, 2010  

Some of us no longer own a bike so can't enter. It's a sad world for us :(

Foges 7:46 AM, October 28, 2010  

as i was spinning in class last night, the instructor had james browns' "get on up" playing and we were all "getting up" in unison. I wish i had my camera for that one! everyone in class would get 1/2 a bag of chomps! (and me the rest)

Christine 10:10 PM, October 28, 2010  

Here's my video:

If you laugh at my pathetic moves - don't tell me, kay??

Love your blog!


Amanda 12:34 PM, October 31, 2010  


Heres my the spirit of the day...

Lauren,  1:24 PM, October 31, 2010  

Hey there!

Here goes my dignity...

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