Race Expo, Animal Costumes, and Race Day Outfit

>> Saturday, October 02, 2010

Matt, Pharmie, Aunt Nancy, Cousin Megan, and I just got back from picking up our race packets:

TC Marathon and 10 Mile Expo. LOTS of friends there!!

Matt picked up a pair of calf sleeves to wear for the race. He opened them and made some lewd comment about his calfs not fitting and maybe even his [blank] wouldn't fit:

We also loaded up 4 animal costumes to wear while cheering for the marathon runners!! Here's Matt and Pharmie trying to get the 4 costumes and 5 people to fit into Pharmie's car:

Matt texting with the Raccoon head on

So tomorrow's going to be a cool morning. They're saying it will be well below 40 at the start (somewhere around 36-38), which is the coldest it's been here since last spring! I'd LIKE to wear what I wore last year, but I'll need a LITTLE MORE than that. So look for me in this....

(Last year's 10 Mile)

....with the addition of these....

(Calf sleeves and blue Brooks)

....and my Sugoi Tuke hat....

(Kermit [my cat] modeling the hat)

....and probably these:

(Black Asics arm warmers)

BUT, if it's TOO chilly in the morning, I might wear what I wore for my early spring half marathon: my black shorts and black long-sleeve top:

Anyway, just look for me out there - I'm sure you'll spot me!!

If you'd like to track me tomorrow, click here and enter your cell phone info.

Once we get home from the race tomorrow, I'll post on the Fans of SIAS Wall with how I did!! So join the group and check back tomorrow afternoon to see if I was able to hit my goal!

Thanks everyone!! Here goes nothing!!


Jennifer Harrison 3:14 PM, October 02, 2010  

GOOD LUCK! Do not overdress!!! Always dress for 10F degrees hotter than the real temp and NEVER TIGHTS unless it is snowing.
SENDING YOU SPEEDY and sub 60 vibes and NO animal costumes until post race, please! :)

Mel 3:18 PM, October 02, 2010  

Oh, the anticipation!!

I know you are going to smash your goal, I just can't wait to see by how much!!!

Leave it ALL out there!

Gabriel Losa 4:21 PM, October 02, 2010  

GOOD LUCK Steve!!!
ALl the best for tomorrow!
Cheering for your from the south of the continent!


Julie 5:09 PM, October 02, 2010  

Good luck with the 10 mile Steve! I know you are going to do amazing as always:)

I am running the full but will be there for the 10 mile start!

The Triathlon Rx 8:22 PM, October 02, 2010  

That's a very shapely photo of you in those arm warmers there sir... :)

Bummed I didn't get to see you at the expo on Friday, but we will indeed meet soon. Kill it tomorrow!

I'm working triage in the med tent at the finish, so the only way I want to see you tomorrow is if I'm all finished and I see a giant Panda wandering around. Which animal costume are you wearing?

kT 8:42 PM, October 02, 2010  

Maybe you've just gone all subtle, but I really expected a joke after "and probably these" followed by a picture of a woman's torso.

Good luck tomorrow!

Dave M 7:45 PM, October 03, 2010  

Yeah KT - I was expecting a joke too! :-)

My temperature guideline is to dress for 20F more - not 10. Last year I set my tights indicator around 45 degrees but Jen says not unless it's snowing?? Let's see what this winter brings.

Edwin 2:08 AM, October 05, 2010  

hey!!!!nice work..hefty preparation as well

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