A Week of Non-Coached Workouts

>> Sunday, October 10, 2010

• Sunday, 10/3: My last coached “workout:” the TC 10 Mile. I jogged a LITTLE afterwards, cheered like a mad-man for a few hours for the marathon runners, and stretched in the PM.

• Monday, 10/4: Absolutely. Nothing. And proud of it. ;)

• Tuesday, 10/5: 50 minutes of my old routine of weights and core at the Y. And some nice stretching and foam rolling.

• Wednesday, 10/6: Nothing. And still lovin’ it.

• Thursday, 10/7: Easy 4.4 mile run and some stretching. Just worked out the legs down Summit Ave and enjoyed the evening.

• Friday, 10/8: 90 minutes of mountain biking with my buddy Aaron. We met at his house, rode out to Theo Wirth, did the “out” section of trails followed by 3 loops on the main trail. Aaron's GREAT on those trails, and it was fun to follow him and push myself. My legs were a little tired on the third lap. I brought my former coach with me for the ride:

Yellow, purple, and orange peppers from our garden (and baby carrots)
ready for chicken tikka masala post-ride. Coach would have approved. ;)

• Saturday, 10/9: 42+ miles of easy-ish riding with Pharmie and Matt down the Gateway Trail. BEAUTIFUL DAY for a ride!!

Leaving St. Paul

Matt out in the country

BEAUTIFUL fall day! (That’s Matt WAY in the distance.)

Pharmie stopped at our 21 mile turn-around

After that, Pharmie and I worked on some quilting. She sews and I iron seams (and we both work on the layout of the blocks). We did that while her laptop was hooked up to our TV so we could watch the live "IronmanLive" Kona coverage on our much larger TV screen. Watching Ironman, I worked as my own Iron-man as I ironed quilt blocks:

• Sunday, 10/10: (today) I don’t know... maybe an easy-ish long run. Maybe some weights. Maybe nothing. We’ll see. ;)


Tri-James 7:56 AM, October 10, 2010  

Kona was super exciting!

Way to iron - iron man!

Sue,  10:35 AM, October 10, 2010  

you quilt, too! what a guy!

Jennifer Harrison 6:07 PM, October 10, 2010  

I am still haunting you!! :)

Unknown 10:32 PM, October 10, 2010  

Sounds like the perfect week after your race last Sunday! :) Do we get to see a picture of the quilt?

Brandon 11:12 PM, October 10, 2010  

I saw your comment on the Ironman blog thing. I was proud to say that we're friends on facebook. :-)

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