Friday Funny 124: The "Bootyshaking Bike-Off"

>> Friday, October 22, 2010

Time for another fun contest / giveaway.

This is the "Bootyshaking Bike-Off!"


Step 1: Cut a hole in the box. Take a funny / awesome / amazing / stupid video of you showing your best dance moves on a bike. It can be on the road, in your yard, or on the trainer. (I feel like the trainer is the easiest idea.)

Step 2: Put your junk in that box. Put the video on YouTube and send me the link.

Step 3: Make her open the box. Tell everyone to vote for your video so you can win sweet prizes.


Idea one: Find a partner and do this:

Idea two: Show your skills on a BMX bike:

Idea three: If you are like me and have no skills, just throw your bike on the trainer, apply some "Bowie" inspired makeup, and just go nuts hoping to get the "oh-man-that's-crazy-and-hilarious" vote. Sorry, I didn't actually make a video like this to show you, but it would have been pretty good. Ooohh, this just popped into my head... what if you threw on an old Jazzercise VHS and follow along on your bike. Sweetness.


- Sugoi RPM Bike Shorts. I haven't even seen these yet! They're BRAND NEW! They have some built-in compression technology for stretch comfort and muscle support.

- GU Cafinated Chomps. Afterall, you need the energy to keep the sweet dance moves coming.

- Road ID of your choice. These are just smart to have. If you already have one, getting one for a loved one is a GREAT gift. You'll get a gift card for Road ID, so you can choose from any of the models / colors.

- Ryders Shades. You see me in mine ALL. THE. TIME. Nice sunglasses.

That's around $250 in sweet, sweet gear! I'll have more on these prizes in the next few days...


- Contest open to US and Canadian residents only. (Unless you know someone in Canada or the States who can accept your winning prizes...)

- The video can be of any length, but note that the public will be voting on this. So if you submit a 5:00 video that only starts getting good at the 4:40 point, know that people might will be bored by then, so it might note get many votes. I think an AWESOME 15 seconds might be a lot better than a mediocre 5 minutes. (Coincidently, that's also my "bedroom theory.")

- Upload the video to YouTube. Make sure that it's viewable by the public and able to be embedded. (Don't make it a "private" video - we ALL want to see your moves!)

- Send me a link (comment on my blog or use the "Contact Steve" tab at the top of the page) to your video.

- Do all of this before 3 pm on October 31st. Yes, Halloween. So you've got 9 days! Go! Make some booty-shaking, bike-riding magic! NOW!

- Voting will take place over the first week in November. The videos will be voted on by the public, and the video with the most votes will win! (If there are TOO many videos, they will be narrowed down to a more manageable number before voting begins, but I don't know how many people are going to take the time to make a video, so your chances might be pretty good....)

Oh, sorry for the deleted lines in the "steps" at the top. Whenever I say "Step 1," it gets me thinking about something else. My apologies.


Unknown 11:00 AM, October 29, 2010  

This may have an obvious answer but what constitutes a "vote"? A "Like" on YouTube?

Steve Stenzel 1:25 PM, October 29, 2010  

I'll create a poll, and everyone can vote for their favorite. The poll will allow 1 vote / computer.

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