Three Quick Updates: Family Vacation, Boys Growing Up, and Bootless!

>> Monday, July 25, 2022

FIRST: we just got back from 5 days in a cabin with my family. The place we usually stayed in past years sold recently, so we found a VRBO rental closer to home. I'll have more photos later, but here are a few of our family on our last morning there:

The whole gang.

My folks and the grandkids.

My family on the steps to the lake.

Also, while we were there, a few of us tried some "ranch dressing" soda, and it wasn't as bad as we thought it was going to be!!

SECOND, I Facebooked this last night:

That feels like a big step. They had pizza, had a snack, got ready for bed, and went to bed with us arriving home about 30-60 mins after Henry had gone to sleep. NICE!!

And THIRD: I ended up wearing the night splint for just about 4 full weeks. I first posted about it a few weeks back, and I wore it 3 weeks before the Raspberry Run 1 Mile as I started hitting the track for shorter/harder workouts. And then I wore it for the week after the race as well. Sure, my calf/achilles got a LITTLE tight throughout that training, but it really felt fine from after the first or 2nd night in the splint. I wore it so long after just to be safe - through this past Friday night. I think I'm in the clear now!

Back with some vacation workouts shortly!


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