Long Run Fueled By July 4th Treats

>> Wednesday, July 06, 2022

On July 3rd, we spent the day at my wife's aunt's place on the lake:

Lots of lake fun!

My wife's cousins were towing my kids on a tube.

Kids tubing in the background as Henry and Ev paddled me around the lake.

Our crew boating back there as well as paddling up close.

Baby Millie!

Floating around.

Us 3 boys headed out to inspect something odd in the water.
It turned out to be a gull picking at a 2' dead carp.

After a day of eating LOTS of junk food, I went for a long run. I didn't feel sick, but I just felt sluggish and slow. I expected that and just went with it. I was able to get in 11.7 miles in 1:22, but my middle 6 "at pace" miles didn't feel that fast. Again, I knew it'd be slow after a day of gluttony, but I told myself I'd at least COMPLETE 6 harder miles after doing only 4 with Henry the week before because of some heel pain.

It turns out my pace miles weren't THAT different from previous weeks: I've been running my "pace" miles with an average of 6:10 to 6:22 per mile or so, and my run 2 days ago had pace miles of 6:24/mile. Not bad, considering. I may have just started too easy clocking in 19:32 for my first 3 pace miles and 18:49 for my last 3 pace miles.

This run flared up some pain/tightness in my right glute, so I'm hoping to get that all worked out by Friday so I can do ONE more quick speed day before next weekend's 1 mile race!


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