Long Run with Both Boys!

>> Tuesday, July 26, 2022

It was just a month ago that I posted about my first long run with Henry (as he biked along side of me). Yesterday, I headed out with BOTH boys for the first time:

Finishing my warm-up and starting to up the pace on the Franklin Ave Bridge.

About a mile into my "pace miles" running in a dirt path (the boys loved those).

We had one really fun encounter and one crabby encounter on the ride.

First, as the boys were riding right in front and right in back of me, a woman slowly passed us on her bike saying "Jeez, you have your own little peloton! How sweet!" The boys loved that!

But then about 2 miles later (as we were lined up in the same manner) a cyclist was heading towards us as I was running in the pedestrian lane, and he yelled at Henry directly in front of me saying "Get out of the running lane! You're biking in the wrong lane!" I had to shout back "He's with me!" I think that guy wasn't paying attention and looked up and didn't understand why there was a kid on a bike in a lane he didn't expect. He wasn't paying attention and decided to yell at a child for it - nice. And my boys were keeping a straight line as we've talked about that a lot, so it wasn't that Henry was swerving all over the place. (Oh, and that guy was clearly breaking the speed limit on the River Road trail as well, but decided to be crabby at us anyway.) Henry just thought that guy's reaction was dumb. (Because it was.)

Pulling ahead of me on the Franklin Ave Bridge on the way home
so they can meet me at the drinking fountain on the other side.

A cute thing happened just after I took that last photo. When the boys were on the slight downhill once they passed that woman in front of us, I saw them both "tuck" down low by their handlebars. They were trying to lessen the wind resistance like the riders going downhill in the Tour de France. It was adorable.

My pace miles weren't GREAT, but they also weren't horrible. And being last week's long run was skipped because of the Raspberry Run 1 Mile and the week's before was shortened (and hot) and the week before THAT was the 4th of July where my long run was slower as it was fueled by over-eating at a July 4th party... this one was my best long run in about a month. I did my middle 6 miles at 6:23 pace, and I did just over 11 miles total. Nothing fancy.

Cooling down near the old Shriners.

Getting ready to cross back into St. Paul.


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