Boys Gone = Long Ride

>> Saturday, July 16, 2022

Last week, the boys had a weeklong "cardboard camp" where they talked about medieval battle tactics and then built cardboard weapons to take on other teams and steal their gold. They LOVED it. On Tuesday, I used some of that childless time to head out for my first real bike ride in about 5.5 weeks. (I've been hitting the trainer a lot this year, but just not biking outside much.)

I didn't have a major plan for the ride, but I just figured I'd go KINDA harder and KINDA longer. Not intervals, not hill repeats, not at tempo ride, but some sort of slightly longer effort. I figured I'd do the River Road / Shepard / Summit Ave loop with Big Rivers thrown in. And that's what I did for 30 miles:

Counter-clockwise U-shaped loop with an out-and-back to the south off the SE edge.

Nothing too drastic shows up in the elevation, but it shows the "landmarks" well. It's mainly downhill to the river and then uphill along Big Rivers:

Before starting the climb away from the river up to downtown around mile 24 or so, I was at a 20.2 mph average. That dropped to 19.7 by the top of Ramsey Hill, and then I was into the breeze on the way home down Summit Ave so I finished with a 19.7 average. Nice morning for a ride!!

I'm hoping for more casual rides this upcoming week after this weekend's 1 mile race. We'll see!!


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