Last Run Before the Mile Race

>> Thursday, July 21, 2022

Before this past weekend's Raspberry Run 1 Mile, I didn't know what to do. I never really know what to do the few workouts before a race. I don't want to go too EASY and make my legs forget how to move. But I sure don't want to go too HARD and be tired for the race. So 2 days before the 1 mile race, I went out for my normal easy 5.5 mile loop, but I added in 3 "pick ups" of 30 seconds that were around my 1 mile race pace:

The red "pick ups" are pretty visible.

My pace chart shows them as well.

Zoomed in on my pick ups: around 5:00, 4:55, and 4:45 pace.

Also, I considered it a lucky run as I saw two groups of turkeys:

5 turkeys here, and then 4 more another mile up the road.

Also spotted my 2 bald eagle friends across the river. One is
circled on the left on the branch, and the other one can't really
be seen, but it's in the nest on circled on the right.

And I guess the run worked as I hit my goal at the 1 mile. :)


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