"The Boot" is Back!

>> Saturday, July 02, 2022

Don't worry: it's no big deal and this is not a pity post!

After some 200s on the track just over a week ago, my left Achilles was tight and a little sore all last weekend. So I busted out my night split (AKA "THE BOOT") to wear for the first time in YEARS. I put it on Sunday night and have been wearing it every night to bed since:

The view in bed last night. (I "cushion" the lowest 2 straps with 2 socks.)

It felt better (not 100%) when I woke up on Monday morning, so I did a slightly-shorter-than-usual long run on Monday morning as Henry biked with me. It wasn't totally 100% all week, but it didn't feel BAD. I saw my normal chiropractor on Monday after my long run, and he did some light A.R.T. and some ultrasound therapy on it.

It actually felt good enough that I did some 400s on the track yesterday! And NOTHING flared up today which is GREAT! (After the 200s last week, nothing acted up until I got up the next morning, so waking up today was the real test.) So I'm hoping I'm still a "go" for a decent 1 mile race in 2 weeks! Back with more about yesterday's interval workout shortly. Happy 4th!!


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