Vacation Rides and Runs

>> Thursday, July 28, 2022

My extended family was at a rented cabin last week. Here are my workouts up there:

TUESDAY I went for a ride. It was my first workout after the Raspberry Run 1 Mile that was 2 days before, so I wasn't going to go NUTS. I just did a kinda-long-but-not-that-long bike ride. I checked out the terrain for later in the week:

Trail along Hwy 12 from Dassel to Cokato.

Quiet hilly hwy I found north of the trail.

Lots of rolling countryside.

No-handed riding while taking photos of the trail and lake re-entering Dassel.

WEDNESDAY I did an easy run. My right glute was still a little upset from intervals a few weeks ago, so I took it easy. There'd be NO running effort this week after all the short/hard workouts to get ready for the race (and then the race that was 3 days before this run).

THURSDAY was my true "workout" for the week! I went back to that quiet highway north of the trail to do some intervals. I did my favorite 3x5 mile intervals with about 3:00 easy riding between. Here's a look down the road where I'd start my intervals, and that 70' hill in the distance was about 1.3 miles away (I'd ride up that hill, down the far side, and turn around at 2.5 miles so I'd be back here at mile 5 to end each interval):

The elevation of my ride with the 5 mile efforts highlighted.

Speed throughout my ride: slow up the hill about 1.3
miles in, and fast down the same hill nearly 4 miles in.

Heart rate speaks for itself.

My intervals on this slightly hilly route looked like this (with a slight breeze at in my face for the first half of each interval):

13:55, 21.5 mph (20.3 mph at the turn around)

14:11, 21.1 mph (19.5 mph at the turn around)

14:05, 21.3 mph (19.6 mph at the turn around)

I was SHOOTING to make my last one my fastest, but I went out hard in the first one and was appropriately fried in the last one.

At the historic "mushroom building" in Dassel that's historic for some reason.
(Surely not because it looks like a stubby penis...)

FRIDAY was just another easy run. Nothing fancy. I did this mid-day and it was HOT.

Here are those 4 workouts stacked on top of each other (with the first run and first ride shifted slightly to the NE so you can see them more clearly):

My rides from town and runs from our rented cabin NEARLY touched in the middle! :)

My longer interval ride didn't go as far east because instead I repeated that hwy to the north 3 times.

So after taking Monday off (traveling to our vacation and also the day after the Raspberry Run 1 Mile), I did OK for being on vacation through Saturday. The biggest thing that "took a hit" was my strength time which was just 5 hours and 2 mins for the week (when it was nearly 10 hrs the week before). Here's what the week looked like:

And Saturday's workout was just an easy spin back home on the trainer.


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