Big Week on the Bike for the Boys

>> Saturday, June 11, 2022

Last week Friday (8 days ago) was the boys’ last day of school! As I showed in this post, the boys and I biked to and from school 2 days the week before that. Charlie wanted to bike all four days the final week of school, so we did! I posted this on Facebook last Friday:

So proud of my fellas: after biking to school 2 days last week, they both wanted to bike every day this week. Charlie logged about 35 miles over the last 4 days! And we managed to make it work while hauling 3 days worth of “end of the school year” stuff home on my back and/or in a milk crate strapped to my bike (Wednesday’s haul is pictured in pic #3, and it looked similar Thurs and today).

Tues to school.

Tues coming home.

Loaded up on Wed.

Heading home on Wed.

Thurs morning.

Heading to the last day of school on Friday!

Then on Saturday, Charlie spent the night at his cousin’s, and they biked 7.5 miles going to parks and Dairy Queen:

Watching the traffic go by with his cousin at DQ.

Meanwhile, Henry and I went the 2nd "Doctor Strange" movie!

And finally on Monday, Sarah had the day off of work, and she took both boys on a 10.5 mile run (they biked as she ran). They found a splash pad in the last half of their workout, and they got soaked:

Shaking off like a dog before riding some more.

Sunning to dry himself.

Back on the trail.

DQ a mile from home!

All-in-all, Charlie biked over 52 miles in a 7 day span from Tuesday through Monday!! Wowza!!! (And Henry did all but that 7.5 miles with his cousin, so he was around 45 miles for the week!)


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