Thirsty (for knowledge) Thursday: 3 Links About Running

>> Thursday, June 09, 2022

Here are 3 things I've come across lately, and without meaning to, they are all from Outside Magazine.

FIRST: Yoga tricks that work for runners. Check out this article that mentions 4 "ideas" within yoga that can cross-over and help runners. I've been a big fan of #2 (conscious breathing) for years.

SECOND: 10 stretches that are perfect for runners. I'm less sure how to feel about this article as many of us are FAAAAR into our own personal routine by now. But this is a "sequence" of stretches that are supposed to help you more when performed in this specific order. And some of the thoughts about stretching (that appear in the article before the stretches themselves) can be helpful reminders.

THIRD: The REAL benefit of "recovery runs." Finally, check out this article that goes more into the science of what your body needs after a hard day (or a race) and what actually happens on a recovery run. It's not what I thought: it states early on that "recovery runs do not enhance recovery." They are simply about building fitness by "challenging you to run in a pre-fatigued state." Huh. I don't know how I feel about that. But the "1 legged" study they cite *is* interesting.

For more "Thirsty Thursday" posts that highlight workouts, body science, and all kinds of interesting information, CLICK HERE. As always, check back for some "Friday Funnies" tomorrow!


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