Failed Treadmill Speed Workout

>> Monday, January 24, 2022

I've posted about how I've been feeling GREAT during my long runs on the treadmill lately. So I was ready to KILL it in my 2x2 mile workout on the treadmill on Friday! But instead it "killed" me.

I do this workout often, and I last did it on the treadmill about a year ago: at that time, I ran a 11:50 and 11:24 noting that the 11:50 felt a bit easy. During that workout a year ago, I was slower than 10 mph (6:00 pace) for the first half mile, and then I sped up a little to end at 10.4 mph. During the workout on Friday, warmed up for 1.2 miles and then walked for 0.2 miles. For the first interval, I started at 10.2 mph for the first mile, then 10.3 for 0.5 miles and 10.4 for the final 0.5 mile:

2:57, 2:57, 2:53, 2:53 = 11:41

Here was my view during my nearly 3 minute walking break before interval #2:

After the first interval. From l-to-r on the screen: warm-up,
walking for 2-3 mins, 1st interval, and then currently walking.

I was feeling worked. I started the 2nd interval again at 10.2 mph, but then bumped it up to 10.3 mph at 0.5 miles instead of after a full mile. But then after a mile, I was done. I bumped it up to 10.4 mph, but then pretty quickly threw in the towel after 1 mile instead of 2. Damn it.

Stopping early: a full 2 mile interval left-of-center, and
then just another 1 mile interval before jogging easier.

The final mile interval (which should have been TWO) looked like this:

2:56, 2:55 = 5:52

I thought "Well yep... just a 'reality check.' I had a few good treadmill runs, but now this. That happens." My legs didn't feel that bad after - I didn't feel SUPER worked, but I just couldn't keep it up during that workout.

It wasn't until looking at those photos I took of the screen above 2 days post-workout that I realized what happened! It wasn't just a "bad" workout! My wife had cranked up the incline a little (something I don't do becauase it's too hard on my always problematic calf muscles) and it didn't reset after her workout. So notice that both of those photos show an incline of "4" above!!


I SOMETIMES bump it up to 2 or 3 for a minute just to break things up in my long runs, but before Friday's workout, I probably ran 0.7 miles at an incline of 2 or 3 over the last 200 miles of treadmill miles. And then I did 6 miles at an incline of 4, including some miles of HARD running!

So maybe I still am "running well" on the treadmill. I wish I hadn't botched that incline so I could compare it to last year's workout. Mostly, I'm just glad my calves didn't feel all jacked up after that!!!

We'll see how I feel on today's long run. I hoping to have another big "bike trainer week" this week like I did two weeks ago, so maybe I'll ease up a little on today's run. Just playing it by ear.


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