Upcoming Solo Exhibition!

>> Wednesday, January 12, 2022

If you don't follow my photography blog, then you maybe didn't hear the announcement I made about a month ago. I'm planning a solo exhibition of my "4 a.m." work at Concordia University. The show will open in just over a month.

If you go to my photography blog on a computer (it's different on a moblie device), you'll see the main page has a few posts about the exhibition coming together:

Figuring out what images to present as seen in this post.

Starting to frame some smaller pieces (and watching
my heart rate rise on my Garmin) as seen in this post.

An image of mine on Concordia University's yearly "Art and Design" mailer as seen in this post.

Oh, and I haven't been posting as much on Instagram lately (as I'm spending more time working on the show instead of shooting), but search for PhotoStenzel on Instagram and follow me!

Again, here are recent relevant posts on my photography blog: first was announcing the solo show last month, then starting to frame some work last week, and finally more images of Concordia's yearly mailer with 2 of my images in it.


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All content and original images copyright 2006 - 2025 by Steve Stenzel, AKA "Steve in a Speedo." All Rights Reserved.
Want to use something seen here? Just ask - I don't bite.