2x2 Mile on the Treadmill

>> Monday, February 01, 2021

You know this workout. I've written about this often - here's a concise write-up from 2 years ago. It's a nice balance of SPEED and INTENSITY for me. Here's a post from when I pushed Charlie in the stroller on these intervals back in December.

I tried it on the treadmill for the first time on Friday. Our treadmill is slow to change speed, so I was ready for it to be annoying getting up to speed to start each interval. And it doesn't show hundredths of a mile (just tenths), so it was going to be harder to know when to speed up as to be up to speed at the right moment.

My first interval was... decent. It didn't feel that fast, so I knew I'd push harder for #2. I started at 9.8 mph and cranked it up over 10 mph shortly. I think I ended up at 10.4 mph for the last mile of the first interval:

3:03, 2:59, 2:53, 2:53 = 11:50.11

My screen while starting to walk between my intervals.
It shows my warm-up, walking a bit, and my first interval.

I walked for about 2:20, and then cranked it up again. I was ready to start the next interval after 0.2 miles, and I started at 10.1 mph and worked my way up to 10.8 or 10.9 mph over those 2 miles:

2:56, 2:51, 2:50, 2:45 = 11:24.55

Walking before a cool down, showing both intervals.

That workout's not NEARLY as intense as my "max out" workout from a few weeks ago, and not even quite as bad as my tempo run before that... which means I maybe should have run it harder? Oops. Still, one of my favorite workouts.

Again, here's more info on this workout if you're interested.


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