First Full Week in the Garmin Fenix 6S Pro

>> Saturday, January 15, 2022

I spent last week in my Fenix the entire time. I learned that hitting 150 "intensity" minutes that it suggests was not a problem, as that happened right away on Monday morning. Here's my intensity minutes for the week, and that dotted line was the goal:

687% of the goal.

I "learned" a lot of things that I already knew, like how my sleep is deeper earlier in the night and gets crappier later in the night. And as my wife's been telling my for years, my resting heart rate is quite low:

44 bpm resting heart rate over last week.

My "high" heart rates on that graph also show what my main workout was for the day: Monday and Friday were so high because Monday was my long (hard) run, and Friday was a hard treadmill workout. Wednesday was just an easier run. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday were bike rides: Tuesday's was harder, Thursday's was easier (my slowest "high" heart rate for the week) as I was preparing for Friday's hard run, and Saturday's was somewhere in the middle.

I'm not sold that I need to be wearing it 24/7. I might start using it for just workouts. We'll see.


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