NICE Week of Fitness!

>> Tuesday, February 02, 2021

Here's what last week looked like in my training log:

There are 5 things that make this such a nice week:
(So I'll count down to what I think is the best, but this "ranking" is minor)

• #5: Solid upper body workouts. Tues, Thurs, and Saturday have been my upper body days since last spring, and they were good last week. Tu/Th both saw 5 sets for every muscle group, and Sat (my "circuit" day) saw 8 sets!

• #4: Interval treadmill workout. I posted about this yesterday. It was a good end to the week.

• #3: A big week of running. The previous 8 weeks were quite similar in running TIME: they were all within 5 mintues (2 hr 26 mins and 2 hr 31 mins). But last week was 2 hr 47 mins. Just a nice little boost.

• #2: Longest treadmill run all winter. My previous 3 long runs weren't great (the week before last I cut the "harder" miles a little short, the week before that we blew a fuse, and the week before that had some easier miles in the middle), so it felt good to go 11.1 miles last Monday, and hit 6 descending miles "at pace" in the middle: I started at 8.9 mph and sped up 0.1 mph every 1/2 mile so I hit 10.0 mph for the last 1/2 mile.

• #1: Some trainer intensity. I've been happy (well, not sad) that I've just been spinning easy on the trainer all winter. But I also know that if I hope to do a multisport race this year, I need to start going harder. In my "year in review" post, I mentioned that I could start putting in more effort on the bike. I loosely told myself I should start doing that in February, so I got a slight jump start by doing 3x5 min efforts as part of my spin on Jan 30th.

Going forward, I won't be going hard on EVERY trainer ride (because I honestly think spinning easier the last 10 months helped me stay injury-free while running), but I might focus some effort on 1 day/week. And I need to focus on doing BETTER core exercises (I'm putting in plenty of QUANTITY, but the QUALITY isn't there).


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