Thirsty (for knowledge) Thursday: Three Links

>> Thursday, February 18, 2021

Here are some articles for you to explore if you are so inclined:

"How Technology Is Changing On The Race Course"

This article talks about using centralized information hubs (being used now) to programing drones to spot drafting pelanties (being worked on) to even the future of real-time physiological data colletion to help with "understanding of the physiological effects of endurance sport" (which has already been tested on few athletes in pill form over the course of the Norseman Triathlon).

"Cues to Improve Your Swim, Bike, and Run Posture"

This article talks about how do build core strength specifically to correct and maintain proper swim, bike, and run posture. (Open to members only.)

"Forget the Gym: Walking Is the Superior Form of Exercise"

OK, so I don't believe the title of this. And this guy is a BIT out there (one of those guy shouting things like "people choose to stay INSIDE and WORKOUT ON A TREADMILL?!? CRAZY!!"), but he tells some nice stories about the benefits of long-distance walking. Not scientific, but cute.

For more "Thirsty Thursday" posts that highlight workouts, body science, and all kinds of interesting information, CLICK HERE. As always, back with some "Friday Funnies" tomorrow.


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