Warmer and Childless Facebook Fitness Memories

>> Saturday, February 20, 2021

We are currently just coming out of quite a stretch of cold weather here in MN. The boys and I were just talking about December's yurt camping trip when we complained it was COLD because it was in the 20s. (We'd had a pretty mild winter through that point.) The last 2 weeks or so saw most days below 0, with a good handful of days in the teens below 0 (before considering windchill, which then took the "feels like" temperature MUCH lower). When it neared 20 degrees yesterday, it felt AMAZING.

Yesterday, I had a few "Facebook Memories" pop up.

Five years ago, it was 50 degrees and my wife took Henry for a bike ride by the river:

Nine years ago, I took 8-month-old Henry for a long run in 40 degree weather:

I LOVED my stroller running days with Henry!

And 11 years ago (pre-kids), I had a swim at my "old Y" with my swim buddies:

I believe I was teasing because Kelly was pregnant and therefore not swimming a TON.

That last photo makes me miss the pool juuuuuust a little, but I'm still doing fine without it! However, I'd LOVE to have some warmer temps around here shortly...


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