Semi-Wordless Wednesday: I Ran Outside!

>> Wednesday, February 10, 2021

The paths and sidewalks were clearing up a BIT about 10 days ago, so I actually ran outside:

I LOVE running when it's cold outside (note that it says it was 17 degrees), but I tend to hurt my knee by running on slick surfaces: I run too "tight" trying not to fall that it affects my form and screws me up. But the trail along River Road was mainly clear! Note in that map that I even ran onto the start of the Greenway Trail so I could report back to my wife on its condition. (She ran home from work that night.)

Then we got a bit more snow, and now it's SUPER cold. So I've been back inside.

Before last week's outdoor run, my last outdoor run was the week before Christmas. I'd put 127.5 miles STRAIGHT on the treadmill, but at least I broke that with a quick loop along the river.

Oh, and the treadmill running has translated to consistency outside: my first 8 half-mile splits were all within 7 seconds. Nice.


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