January Pull-Ups

>> Saturday, February 06, 2021

In my "year in review" post last month, I noted that "being I've been lifting more, maybe I'll keep a yearly count of pull-ups." Well I did that all January, and I did 612 pull-ups all month, averaging 47 pulls-ups for each upper body day.

That was fun and all, but I found myself focusing on pull-ups a BIT too much on a few of the days. So I don't think I'll keep track ALL year (I didn't keep track 2 out of the 3 "upper body days" so far this month), but maybe I'll keep track every few months. If I re-start swimming this year, I'll for sure stop keeping track as I don't want to "stress" my back swimming, and then be too concerned with doing lots of pull-ups as well.

Happy weekend! Stay warm as it's finally FREEZING here in MN - we weren't below 0 all of January, but now we're making up for that!


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