Friday Funny 1547: Home Inspection Fails

>> Friday, January 11, 2019

I love that Star Tribune always shares the best "home inspection fails" of the year at the start of a new year. Here's the list for 2018:

Magic guardrails. No newel posts required, apparently.

Who needs kickout flashing? Just install another gutter on the wall to catch the water that doesn't make it into the first gutter.

Are these overnotched? Maybe. We better check our notching and boring tables to be sure.

Yeah, that happened.

Would you walk on this? We didn't.

You could always recognize little Timmy by the unique scar on his forehead.


Ok, fine, we won't inspect the sump basket. *slowly backs away*

New air freshener scent: Tahitian PolyVinyl Chloride.

Now it fits.

30-amp service. No joke. That's the whole electrical service. There's nothing else.

Government humor. "Ped" is trade talk for that green box next to the sign. We know, it's not home inspection related, but Dustin took this photo and kindly explained why this was funny to the rest of our team. He's right, this is GOLDEN.

Missed it by that much.

What 17 tubes of caulking will get you.

Painted grout lines. They actually looked pretty good from the street.

Flex Seal® to the rescue.

Frost-covered attic. Yes, there was a whole-house humidifier running at this house.

Properly bonded outlet.

One heck of a calling card.

The most expensive way to hold up shelves.

There were a few other cool photos that we took this year, however, and I have to share them while I have your attention.

Old Radiator.

Neat panels.

Cool light fixture. And that pressure gauge better be decorative.

Clean, ancient boiler. And it's not wrapped with asbestos! A truly rare find.

I'd seen most of these over the year because I follow these guys on Facebook. (I remember showing my wife the "scissors in the electrical panel" one. Sheesh.)

If you like these, here are some related "Friday Funnies" from the past years when they shared their "home inspection fails" of the year. (I think my favorite was 2014.) Click on each year to see them: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017.


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