Thirsty (for knowledge) Thursday: Endurance Links

>> Thursday, January 10, 2019

Here are 4 interesting running, recovery, and triathlon-related links:

• A few dynamic warm-ups to try before you run. Trainer Laurie (at my gym and on my running team) swears by things like this.

• Someone who really didn't foam roll much tried it 2x each day to see how her body reacted. Not sound science by any means, but an interesting quick read (says this religious foam roller).

• An interview with top Ironman age-grouper Christine Hoff. It's interesting to see that a lot of her training is done in her house. (The parts of her training that were most interesting to me are in the last 1/3 of the article.) Lots of 2-a-days that aren't SUPER far - she's a "quality over quantity" kind of trainer.

• And just for curiosity's sake, here's the 10 most popular (and FAST) running segments on Strava in the US for 2017. Holy smokes... that's a lot of fast people. (But one has a woman who did 800 meters in 41 seconds... so that was probably on a bike. Or motorized vehicle. PROBABLY not on foot...)

For more "Thirsty Thursday" posts that highlight workouts, body science, and all kinds of interesting information, CLICK HERE. As always, back with some "Friday Funnies" tomorrow.


Evan Roberts 12:19 PM, January 10, 2019  

Pretty sure there's a lot of bike times and other errors in there. The world record for the 1000m is 2:11, so anything under 2:40/km pace is pretty suspect. Garrett Heath's time for the Seattle stretch is totally believable, but most of those other leader board folks are not household names as sub 3:40 1500 runners.

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