>> Saturday, April 16, 2016

I posted this on Instagram last night:

Caption: "NO MORE BOOT!! Doc said to wear it if my ankle starts
feeling fatigued, but that I should do some walking without it to
build up some strength again. So we're all out for a walk tonight!"

I'm cautiously optimistic, but I don't think I'm fully out of the woods yet. The Doc told me to keep up with the PT exercises and appointments to build up some leg/ankle strength. I can go back to doing leg work at the Y, but with lighter weight and/or fewer reps. As noted in that Instagram caption, I'm supposed to walk on it but get back in the boot for a few hours if it gets too tired or feels too weak. I may try running on Tuesday or Wednesday - probably just 2-3 miles.

The Doc DIDN'T rule out the "Get in Gear 10K" in 2 weeks. At least not right away. But then when she heard it was a "team race" and not just a "fun run," she figured that'd be a bad idea. But a short duathlon in 3 weeks should totally be fine. She thinks. Again, I'm not so sure, but we'll take it easy here and see where I'm at in a few weeks.

Here are 4 more pics from last night's outing:

Charlie and I went on a hike as Henry and Mama went for a ride.
This is just after we crossed paths with a BIG turkey!

Running on the rowing docks on the Mississippi.

Henry pausing on his 2+ mile ride to pose by an excavator!

Mama had a great idea: DQ stop on the way home!


Mitch Clayton,  5:58 PM, April 16, 2016  

Great news! And I better be racing you at Cinco Du Mayo, it'll be close this year!

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