First Quarter Totals for 2016

>> Saturday, April 30, 2016

It was the very end of March that I got put in the boot, so I was pre-occupied with getting better and doing fantastically entertaining and not mind-numbing at all aqua jogging workouts that I never posted my "quarter one" totals for 2016. Here's what Jan, Feb, and March looked like:

SWIM: 0 yards
BIKE: 124.42 miles
BIKE TRAINER: 10 hours 46 minutes
RUN: 255.84 miles (5.11 of that with Charlie, and 5.25 of that with both boys)
STRENGTH: 44 hours 57 minutes

Weekly distance: still no swimming, but decent run totals
along with some fun rides for it still being winter!

All of those "sports" minutes are bike trainer workouts (except for 16 mins
in Jan that were stairmill, and 64 mins at the end of March that were aqua jogging).

If we were to say all the trainer workouts were done at 19 mph (I don't have a bike computer, but I do Spinnerval workouts most of the time, so it's pretty intense riding), that would be "month milage totals" of 76.0, 112.7, and 15.8 on the trainer, for TOTAL monthly riding of:

- Jan: 76.0 miles
- Feb: 140.8 miles
- March: 112.2 miles
- TOTAL: 329 miles for Jan-Mar

That's for sure my best ever Jan-March on the bike. Last year, I only had 71 outdoor miles and 6.5 hours on the trainer (vs. 124 miles and 10.75 hours on the trainer this year). My 2016 numbers were quite nice, but not over-the-top. That's why I was so bitchy in my post on Monday about having to throw in the towel on this duathlon season - I was ready to rock it!

My swim was the worst ever (being I'm still resting that elbow), and my running was nice until I got injured - I stopped running with a week left in March. My strength work is about the same as last year.

Alright, back to lots of rest for this broken leg. Back soon with an update.


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