Hanging with Family

>> Saturday, April 23, 2016

I posted a bit on Wednesday about my Mom's recent cervical cancer surgery. Well yesterday (3 days post-op), the boys and I went down to hang out with my Mom and Dad for most of the day, and my sister brought her 2 kids too. Here are 5 quick pics:

A selfie with me and the 4 kids in my Dad's tractor.

A bit later with Grandpa!

My Mom instructing my Sister on which asparagus spears to pick, with my Dad in the
background with the 4 kids getting the swings put on the swing set for the year.

The kids and Grandma. Looking good for 3 days after cancer surgery!

And with Grandpa too!

They think they got all of Mom's cancer! Yay!

My Sis and I brought lots of food for Mom and Dad for the next week, we helped a bit in the garden, I mowed some of their lawn, but mostly we just all hung out. Rest up, Mom!


Unknown 1:24 PM, April 24, 2016  

Good news to hear about your mom; glad she's doing well!

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