Six Random Updates

>> Monday, April 18, 2016

ONE: My balls are doing pretty good:
Since my ER visit last Sunday, everything's been getting better. By Monday night, the pain was just a dull ache, and yesterday at a family get-together, I noted (when someone asked) that it was at about 99.5%. Life is good.

TWO: This is why I had kids:
This was the scene last Thursday night. I was still in my boot, but I kicked up my legs and enjoyed life as my boys helped clean my bike Eiffel:

THREE: Life OUT of the boot is grand:
It's SO much easier to drive my car! Walking around the gym, I now feel FREE. I forget I don't have it on sometimes, and I take a few weird steps. I haven't felt the need to put it back on since it came off on Friday. The biggest issue I'm having is one that I was concerned about from day 1 in the boot: it screwed up my sacrum a bit. I'm having a lot of lower back pain on the boot side (my right side). So on Saturday when I met with Robert at Magna for the 2nd time, he did some work down there:

Focusing on some trouble areas.

I'd never had cupping done before. Strange sensation!
But I think it helped relax some tension in those areas.

The bruising/hickeys left behind from the cupping.

I initially said that I'd maybe try running on Tuesday or Wednesday, but I might put it off a few more days to be safe. I'm not sure. I'm working on getting another PT appointment to see what they think.

FOUR: Charlie likes the pool:
We've been neglecting our parental duties of taking our boys to the pool, so we made a trip there about 1.5 weeks ago. Charlie LOVED it:

FIVE: My Photo Blog:
I've been posted pretty regularly on my Photo Blog: Here are a few links:

Here are some photos from an exhibition that I just had 5 prints in.

I just made one of my biggest prints ever for an upcoming show in Colorado.

For that show in CO, I went to the woodshop at Hamline University and made a handful of wooden frames. They turned out well! Now to see if they'll survive being packed and shipped to CO...

I've been posting lots of random photo-related videos and funny photo things on my Photo Blog, so check it out. Oh, and my wife and I are going to make the trip out to Fort Collins, CO, for the opening reception mid-summer! We're just using it as an excuse to get away for a long 3-day weekend. No boys!

SIX: My Root Beer Blog:
I've been posting regularly on my Root Beer Blog too, and here are 3 random fun posts: FIRST, someone hilariously reviewed 4 horrible sodas; SECOND, I had to try the alcoholic "Best Damn Root Beer" because of all the billboards up around town; and THIRD, here's how we make pulled pork with a bottle of root beer.

Have a good week everyone!


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