Running Today!

>> Thursday, April 21, 2016

I'm not too optimistic about this, but I'll be running later today for the first time in about 5 weeks! We'll see how this goes...

I'll be walking for 4 minutes and then running for 1 minute, for a total of 25 minutes. So that's 5 minutes of total running. If I'm able to do this every-other day while increasing my running time and decreasing my walking time without pain, then the Cinco Du Mayo Duathlon is a GO for me in 2.5 weeks.

Pic from my "official photos" post last year after Cinco Du.

"Prom pic" from the end of last year's race report at Cinco.

The Cinco Du Mayo Duathlon is a great little race, and I REALLY hope I can race it. It has a short and long course option, and my wife is thinking about doing it too. Back with an update on how this first "test run" goes this weekend. Wish me luck!


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