A (Boring) Week of (Boring) Workouts

>> Wednesday, April 13, 2016

My training log last week looks boring, but it's not horrible considering the boot I'm still wearing:

A good portion of that orange "strength" work is PT for my legs/ankle.

And that purple "sport" work is every-other-day of bike trainer (M/W/F) and aqua jogging (T/Th/Sat), totaling 3:11 aqua jogging and 2:55 in the saddle. Here's the daily break-down:

- Monday was just an easy/moderate spin because my stomach was still getting over some issues.
- Tuesday I did a ladder aqua jog as noted in this post.
- Wednesday was a hard day on the trainer where I tried to stay in the saddle as to not put too much pressure on my leg.
- Thursday was a good but brutal aqua jog of 3x(8x90sec) intervals. Those got my heart going!
- Friday was a short, hard interval spin because I was starting to develop a saddle sore after Wednesday's workout from not standing.
- Saturday was a final aqua jog. This was my first aqua jog with a buddy to chat with:

Pre-aqua jogging selfie with Leah.

Then it was that evening that I started having testicle pain, and that was a good reason to take Sunday off.

Speaking of testicle pain, another buddy from the Y is in nursing school, and she sent this this Facebook message and photo the other day showing me what she was currently studying:

(Click here to see Monday's post if you don't know what she's talking about.)


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