A Swim/Bike/Run Within 20 Hours!

>> Monday, February 02, 2015

That's right. It was a good weekend.

Henry was at my Mother-in-law's place for a few days, so it was a bit quieter around here. Friday night, I hopped on the trainer for the first time this winter. When I went to grab my bike shoes, I found a half-eaten Powerbar still in it from the Treadman Duathlon last September:

Oops. But still surprisingly tasty for being soaked in "foot juices" for 4+ months.

I didn't do anything too drastic - I just started spinning while watching a Looney Toons DVD that I checked out from the library for Henry:

The first cartoon was appropriate - it was when Elmer Fudd was a nature photographer.

It also had one where Wile E. Coyote paints a tunnel. Classic.

After the first 2 cartoons, I decided to do some sprints between the cartoons, as you can see in my heartrate from my Fitbit:

So those 38 minutes were a good intro to my trainer for the winter. Time to do more.

Then I did that 50x50 swim that I like on Saturday morning. That swim took me to 22,500 yards for the month of January, or my biggest month in nearly 5 years. (I wrote about STILL getting faster in the pool in my post over the weekend, and yes, this 50x50 workout was the fastest I'd ever done it too!)

The forecast was calling for some possibly slushy snow (not a lot) on Saturday night or Sunday morning, so I decided to go for a run on Saturday afternoon. I did 6 easy-to-easy/moderate miles in 44 mins. So that was a trainer ride, 2500 in the pool, and a 6 mile run in less than 24 hours. Nice.

Oh, and then we went to a baptism party for Weston, our newest nephew. Here's Charlie and his great grandpa Hap - both with excellent hair:


Merrilee 5:49 PM, February 02, 2015  

Love Charlie's hair and the happy look he and his grandpa are sharing. And you really DID eat the Power bar didn't you?

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