Cold, cold run.

>> Monday, February 16, 2015

Saturday morning, I decided to run to the Y and meet Pharmie and the boys there. It was windy and cold. My eyelashes started to freeze together when I would blink, and I could see ice forming on my cheeks on my facial stubble. But I made it just fine. I tweeted this shortly after getting to the Y:

After doing the math, it was more like only -28.

Sorry for missing a word. I was still cold. And blood-flow was going elsewhere at the moment.

But really, after 6.4 miles of running on SUPER popular running trails, I spotted NO other runners. And actually only 2 walkers. The trails were dead.

But maybe thats because all of the other "crazies" were here:

A friend tweeted this to me, saying "Why do I think you were probably part of this?!" The news article online starts with "A severely underdressed group of people ran through downtown Minneapolis today..." Ha! I *SHOULD* have been a part of this!

Here's a link to the video, and the underwear-clad runners can be seen in the first 60 seconds.

Stay warm everyone! Happy running!


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