Recent Workouts

>> Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Not too much to report, but things are moving along nicely.

SWIM: I'm starting to plateau in the pool. For pretty much all of December and January, each swim was another workout PR. But finally, my last few workouts have NOT been my fastest ever.

Last week, I did 3 swims, and my first swim was STILL a major PR: I did 4x500 with a 7:44 average, which is crazy fast for me. (I usually do 3x500 and average barely sub-8. And the last time I did 4x500 was back in June of 2011, when I averaged 7:55.75/500.) The 2nd and 3rd swims were slower: 9x200 with a 3:00.15 average (slower than 2:59.7 two weeks ago), and then a random descending interval swim where most of the intervals were a second or so slower than that same workout last month.

BIKE: After not being on my trainer all winter, I've now been on it 4 times since the end of January. (Remember back on Nov 1st when I said I'd like to bike twice a month? That FINALLY got going!) Sure, that's not a lot, but it's SOMETHING. The first time, I just spun a bit. But the last few times, I've been doing 30-60 minutes of Spinerval workouts.

Heartrate from my FitBit last week. Let's play "spot the 6x90 sec intervals."

RUN: I've built my long run up to about 6.5-7 miles nearly 2 months ago, and I've been holding it there. My ankle still aches a bit, and my sacrum/hip can get achy too. I've been stretching and rolling a lot, and that seems to help.

Twice recently I tried to add in a little speed: first on a 6 mile run with Charlie at the end of January where I did 3 "harder" miles in 6:32, 6:22, and 6:12. And more recently (yesterday) on a 6.7 mile run between classes where I "built" for a mile at 6:58 pace, and then went right into 2 harder miles at 6:12 and 5:52. Today, my sacrum feels OK, which was the REAL test of the run. I've been doing a decent amount of easy running, and I've been thinking how it will be nice when my running can start to feel like "training" again.

I have an event on the horizon. Maybe just a few weeks away. Stop back soon for more details on that!


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