Thirsty (for knowledge) Thursday: An Early-Season Brick Workout

>> Thursday, February 05, 2015

In today's Thirsty Thursday post, I'm FORCING you to start thinking about triathlon season.

Triathlete Mag shared a quick 1-hour early-season brick workout to get your legs STARTING to THINK about triathlons coming up. The goal of this early-season brick is to ease your body back into running efficiently off the bike. "It isn’t all about being fit, it’s equally important for your body to have the skill to run off the bike," coach Mike Portman says. "So this quick multiple brick workout is great to teach the body to get used to the feeling of working hard while switching between sports." Here's Portman's workout:

Early-Season Brick Workout
Bike: 10 min easy spin
2x(30 sec hard, 30 sec easy), 3 min easy

Main Set
Do 2x through:
Bike: 10 min at Olympic effort or greater

(Quickly put on running shoes)

Run: 6 min at Olympic effort

Rest 4 min before getting back on bike

Bike: 5–10 min easy spin

That seems easy. Not BAD easy, but just a nice ease into the leg-burning world of multisport. It's similar to that crazy bike, run, bike, run, bike, run, bike, run duathlon workout that I like to do out of my garage in the summer. But it's only 2 rounds (not 4), and that 4 minute break in this early-season workout would help make it easier. It's never too soon to start thinking about tri season!

p.s. I actually rode my trainer again! That's 2 times in 6 days! Now I need to keep that up.

For more "Thirsty Thursday" post featuring workouts, body science, and all kinds of good information, CLICK HERE.


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