Friday Funny 870: Valentines Fails

>> Friday, February 13, 2015

Being Valentines Day is just around the corner (OH GOD I JUST REALIZED IT'S TOMORROW), I thought I'd share some horrible attempts at romance from HappyPlace:

1. This guy with hearts shaved into his body hair:

2. This chocolate penis cake that shoots money:

3. These bitter Valentine's cookies from a jilted baker:

4. These free flowers from a man who was stood up by his date:

5. This blunt message in rose petals on a hotel bed:

6. This poorly-worded spa ad:

No, Mom, I'm not going to explain this one to you.

7. This Valentine with a horrifying reference:

8. This getaway offer featuring discounted Carrot Top tickets:

9. This laziest Valentine imaginable:

10. This billboard featuring Georgia's best deal:

11. This barely legible proposal written on a pizza:

12. This candlelight dinner at McDonald's, with music by Ron:

13. This heart-shaped steak from Texas:

14. This travel agency that wants you to enjoy the delights of Europe:

Lots more funny stuff on!


Visionbuilder 2:24 PM, February 14, 2015  

Did you notice on number 11 he misspelled

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