We're Back...

>> Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Devon recently broke this news on his blog:

The Best Friends Relay of Steve “Steven” Stenzel, Jeremy Reichenberger and myself will reunite this summer! We are coming back and we’re going to be better friends than ever before.

We have a race in mind, but it's not 100% certain yet. Just keep an eye or for us in the Metro area.

Being I've been making solid progress in the pool, I'll be the swimmer. Devon's slightly better-than-average looking, but he's a much better-than-average cyclist, so he'll bike. And always photogenic Jeremy has really been running a lot, so he'll stick to that:

Jeremy's instagram: "January recap: 233 miles! & the streak continues..."
That's a LOT of miles! And it includes a 1:21 13.1 PR (in the middle of the winter)!

Get ready to cheer us on this summer. It should be epic.

p.s. If you were unaware, we teamed up as the "Best Friends" team for the Waconia Triathlon last year. Devon was still a solid biker, but Jeremy hadn't been running as much, and I hadn't been swimming as much. We have loftier goals this year - for racing and for our friendship. #Bromance

Receiving our 1st place relay medals last year at Waconia.


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