Subway's Dodgeball Triathlon Video

>> Wednesday, February 04, 2015

You've maybe seen this recent triathlon commercial from Subway:

Direct link:

The best part of it is that is an actual website.

For an "actual" triathlon.

Wait, maybe it's not real. The course map looks fishy:

I'm not concerned about the "free hugs" stations, but more so the fact that the bike appears to
start about a mile from the swim finish, and the run starts nearly 2 miles from the bike finish.

At the bottom of the website, I found this legalese:

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This event may not have ever happened and may not ever happen. It's a parody. This is just here so we don't get fined. Plus applicable taxes!

Well, I should have known it wasn't real from the video. I mean, that whole thing was fishy. First, we see him coming out of the water clearly in 3rd-to-last position:

But then transition is still FULL of bikes:

Not to mention WHERE IS EVERYBODY'S STUFF?!? If everyone is still swimming (contradictory
to the last issue), they should have bike shoes and running shoes still in transition.

But then while biking, he has at least 6 people behind him:

Did he pass all those people? He doesn't seem like that strong of a biker. Maybe they were just spending time in the "free hugs" stations, and he passed them. Yep, that's probably it.

Anyway, someone needs to make a race like this happen.

Liabilities shmy-abilities.


Mike 11:07 AM, February 04, 2015  

According to the map, there are two bike finishes. One at the "start/finish" and one at the "finish". I'll chose the one that's a mile closer to the transition.

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