Square Lake Tri Relay Official Photos

>> Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I have a few photos of my team I want to show from the Square Lake Half Iron Triathlon, and I have a few other "fun" ones as well. (See all the photos here.)

Splashy start! That's my topless swimmer Michael.

Swimmers coming back.

Michael heading out of the water.

Go Michael!

Bart on the bike.

I didn't make it far enough into the run to get any photos. Here are a few friends at the race:

Super buff race buddy Adrian is all biceps and quads. (I'm not jealous or anything...)

Gear West Du relay parter Pete!

Meghan, the speedy runner for one of the other relays who ran a sub-1:22!

And here are some randoms:

One person in these photo is READY TO GO, and 2 others are like "yeah... whatever."

Apparently the photographer was where EVERYONE wanted to get a drink of water.

Sweet sprint to the finish.

Strangest "finish face" I've seen in recent months...

Finally, I have 3 possible explications for this final photo:

1. He's getting SUPER aero.
2. He's dealing with some major tummy/butt G.I. issues.
3. He likes the support that his boobs get in his aero bars.

My vote's for #3. I like that feeling too. I don't blame him.


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