Intervals 2 Weeks in a Row!

>> Saturday, February 16, 2013

I posted about doing intervals at the Metrodome about 10 days ago. Well, I was back a week later for another round of speedwork. The Dome was moderately busy on Tuesday night when I got there:

Yes, there's a guy doing "the robot" in that doorway...

I only had about 45 minutes to get in my workout, so I got to work after a quick warm-up. I was looking forward to a longer workout...

4 x 1800 meters with 2:00 rest in between:
(Just over 600 meters / lap, so 1,800 is 3 laps)

- 2:11, 2:08, 2:05 = 6:22
- 2:10, 2:08, 2:07 = 6:25
- 2:10, 2:09, 2:05 = 6:24
- 2:12, 2:10, 2:05 = 6:27

6:24.50 average, which is 5:42.75 / mile pace.

My individual lap times vary as much as 7 seconds, but my 3-lap intervals only vary by 5 seconds total. Wow... that's pretty consistant.

The start of my final interval was my slowest lap, and it FELT like my nastiest interval. I was totally pooped. My legs were trashed. It was a GOOD workout! Anytime I can get in FOUR longer intervals, it's a good day!

I snapped 2 photos during the workout:

After my 3rd interval: NOT excited about having to do 1 more.

After my 4th and final interval. Toast. Gross. I think that's spit on my chin. Hopefully it's mine.

Oh, and look at the little girl in pink and her Dad in the white t-shirt just over my shoulder. She was a Girl Scout, and she was selling cookies in there. That's the best / worst / evilest idea I've ever heard of! The best part of the night was when I heard someone come back to her who had (apparently) just purchased a box saying "I found enough [money] in my coat pocket for another box!!!!!" A bunch of us standing around smiled and laughed.

I may not hit the Dome this next week... I don't want to overdo it. I'll see how I'm feeling.


Anonymous,  4:12 PM, February 16, 2013  

This has probably been asked before but are people generally ok with you doing your intervals naked?

Steve Stenzel 8:02 PM, February 16, 2013  

Anon: people tend to prefer that I workout naked. ;)

No, but really, there are plenty of topless guys running in there. I don't go topless for my warm-up or cool-down, but it's WARM in there when you're running hard and have a shirt on (and have lots of body hair!)!

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