Friday Funny 469: Funny Stuff This Past Week

>> Friday, February 01, 2013

Here are some of the most popular posts from my tumblr page over the past week:

This has to be true for a LOT of people: how running affects mental stability.

How Amsterdam is like the Tour de France.

Some male "hard bodies of the day" doing things I canNOT do!

Some couples in my "hard bodies of the day" doing awesome balance-things together.

What happens when eating a Nature Valley Granola Bar.

[GIF] Ummm, I meant to do that.

A thought on running.

How we feel when we get up early to run.

And finally, by FAR the most popular post was this one about doing squats and having sex. At the time I posted this, it has over 1,200 likes or reblogs.

As always, stop by my tumblr page for "Friday Funnies" all week long. Happy weekend!!


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