Friday Funny 479: Annoying Guys at the Gym

>> Friday, February 22, 2013

I actually think I need to try that move he's doing at the 0:45 mark.

Someone left this comment on the video:

How about "the Spectator". The guys who just watch everyone else hungrily.
Some actually believe that just watching others work out will yield results.
Some believe that anyone else lifting similar or more weight is challenging them.
Some like to watch people lifting less to compensate for their own insecurities.
And some are just creepy sh*ts who are mentally undressing you (male or female).

Reminds me of this video of "awkward runners."


Foges 12:42 PM, February 22, 2013  

We have some new TVs in our gym that just play ads and exercise tips... One of the tips says 'don't stare at people, it's rude'. But what if they don't know you are looking? I'm OK with it.

Sarah 2:16 PM, February 23, 2013  

That's hysterical! Coach is funny! Meaning: I would hit him with something harder than a ball.


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