Friday Funny 467: Awesome Bike Jerseys

>> Friday, February 01, 2013

Gizmodo just listed "Nine Cycling Jerseys That Are Totally Unacceptable." I tend to disagree with that statement. And 4 people have sent me links to some of these saying they could see me in them. Here they are:

Pee-wee Herman. Three of the 4 people who contacted me sent me this link specifically.

You better be good if you wear this.

You better be REALLY good if you wear this!

The original post said the following about this jersey:
"If you rock this America jersey, you are contractually obligated to get a sponsorship from
Budweiser, outfit your bike with sparklers and bottle rockets, and have an electric guitar
symphony follow you at all times. Support our troops. 9/11, never forget. Land of the Free."

OK, this "hipster" kit IS a bit much, even for me.

Wait, the LEISURE SUIT JERESY?!? That one is "totally unacceptable?"

I OWN this one and I RACE in it! See:

Gizmodo, I disagree with your "totally unacceptable" label.....


Benjamin 8:06 AM, February 01, 2013  

Still see you in all of them :)

Bikerpete 8:30 AM, February 01, 2013  

Hahaha ... I love that stuff.
Life is too short to wear boring shirts - so I have tons of fun-shirts :-)

I love that one:

close to Primal Wears "Jesse the Body". The "Bone Collectors" are cool stuff, too.

I don't want to advertise too much, but if you are searching for some fun trikots, just search for "primal wear trikot".

Time for coffee ...

Unknown 8:32 AM, February 01, 2013  

My husband doesn't ride BUT he does own, and wear, a powder blue leisure suit. Acceptable!

TriMOEngr 9:13 AM, February 01, 2013  

Personally, I think your choices for jerseys and shorts are what being an age-grouper is all about (though I think you get away with it more because you are on the fast side of the group). I think it is important not to take this whole thing too seriously. That is not to be taken as don't race, but rather remember that this is just a fun thing we do to stay healthy and enjoy the rest of our lives. I love that people can smile at your wacky wardrobe while they are co-suffering.

SteveQ 10:19 AM, February 01, 2013  

Anyone who wears the red Star Trek jersey dies before the end.

kyle. 10:48 AM, February 01, 2013  

at this point, some people would probably say that the livestrong shorts might be a worse call than the leisure suit jersey.

Steve Stenzel 11:40 AM, February 01, 2013  

TriMOEngr: you're RIGHT on!

SteveQ: one of the best comments ever! HA!

Kyle: I think you're probably correct......

amjeso 12:49 PM, February 01, 2013  

Help me figure out how to order the Superman kit and Speed Racer shirt. Jeremy NEEDS these!!

KellytheCulinarian 5:07 PM, February 01, 2013  

Where's my Wonder Woman kit, peeps? I'd rock that look.

Anonymous,  9:05 PM, February 08, 2013  

These are great!
I always check out this website before buying cycling jerseys - - My personal favourite is the Castelli Vittore Gianni jersey because the fit is bang on

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