More 25K Photos and Grand Prix Standings

>> Thursday, September 13, 2012

Wayne Kryduba put up a great gallery of photos from the City of Lakes 25K. Here are few from him that show a bit about the race:

700+ people at the gun.

Running on the north side of Harriet (2 miles into the race).

North side of Harriet nearing the Rose Gardens.

This is Amy who started the race with Nathan and I. She ended up smoking us!

For 2013, I'm going to do a race running like this the entire way.

"Air quotes?" What's he doing? (It's like that weird thing I do with my pinky.)

I was the 4th "Grand Prix" racer at the City of Lakes 25K. I was beat by always speedy Ben:

... and Eric who I chatted with during the Rochester Half Marathon.

Amy's not doing the Grand Prix series, but she finished as the
4th female over a minute in front of me!

Kirt who beat me by about 50 seconds.

I was the next Grand Prix racer, and I was happy (and surprised) to have caught Nathan in the closing seconds - it got me another 22 Grand Prix points for the race. Wayne didn't get a photo of me finishing, but he got a photo of Nathan right behind me:

Thanks for the pull, Nathan!

Here are the updated Grand Prix series results:

I earned TWO WHOLE POINTS for doing this race! I'd already raced 10 races, and only your 10 best finishes count. But being I earned 933 points at this race and only 931 points a few weeks ago at Rochester, my Rochester points got thrown out so I got those 2 more points.

But no amount of extra points will keep me in the lead. Ben Merchant (in 7th place) is training for the Twin Cities Marathon. If he does as well at that race as he's done all season (as well as the final 6K in November), he'll most likely finish with 9,988 points. My 9,586 points are going down! Dang.

Well, it's been a fun run! (Literally.)


SteveQ 10:32 AM, September 13, 2012  

Of course, if I sign up for the series now and beat Ben at Rocky's by running less than half his time (somewhat under world record pace), you could still win!

You might've been the first finisher not running for a team, according to the singlets people were wearing. Expect to get approached soon to join one!

Anonymous,  11:36 AM, September 13, 2012  

You might want to get a hold of Tonya Harding's goons!!!

Anonymous,  11:44 AM, September 13, 2012  

Wow yall look so hardcore in those photos...way to go!

Steve Stenzel 12:57 PM, September 13, 2012  

Ha SteveQ - that's a good idea! Why don't you give that a go! :)

Anon, I'm not THAT into it! Ha!

Nikita Borisov 10:35 PM, September 13, 2012  

I sometimes count on my fingers to keep myself in a steady breathing pattern; I wonder if that's what the air quotes guy is doing.

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