Victory 10K Photos

>> Monday, September 17, 2012

Not only did he post some great photos from my recent 25K, but Wayne Kryduba also took some photos at the Victory 10K a week before that. Here are just a few of them:

This was the amazing / unfortunate smell from near the finish line.

Crotch of the winning female with Jeremy's bright shoes between her legs,
and my shorty yellow shorts next to him!


That's the 16-year-old girl who out-kicked me at the finish, and that's speedy Ben Merchant
to the far right who's going to catch me before the "Grand Prix" series is over.

Running away from the start.

The 16-year-old girl FLYING as I pose like an awkward Captain Morgan.

Devon and Heidi chatting post-race.

That was it from the 10K. Wayne also had a photo gallery from the "Women Rock Marathon." I glanced through that looking for friends, but became transfixed on this strange pre-race image:

I checked the results... those 2 women were first and second in the "crotch-first crab-walk" category....


Anonymous,  1:09 PM, September 17, 2012 to love that last photo!

Crocker 1:28 PM, September 17, 2012  

Crotch first crab walk, love it

Rachel Elizabeth 11:08 AM, September 18, 2012  

In case you didn't look into the 16 year old girl, at least she's the 5th ranked class A runner for CC this week! She just ran a 14:31 4k...

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