CLIF Mojo Bar Winners

>> Wednesday, September 05, 2012

The details of the giveaway were in this post. Basically, 3 sets of Clif Bars went to "commenters" on my blog, 1 set went to "tweeters" who tweeted something specific, and 1 set went to a "Steve in a Speedo" fan on Facebook. (That last one is a new page - check it out and "like" it if you want to stay updated in your FB feed!)

• 3 sets go to blog commenters: there were 90 comments on the post, and the 3 winners are RunningLaur, Soon to be Triathlete, and Tall Girl Running.

• 1 set goes to a twitter peep: there were 36 tweets, and the winner is Jennifer W (BadgerJen2002).

• Finally, 1 set goes to a Facebook fan: there are 146 fans, and the winner was Kelly Moran.

(All the winners were chosen randomly by using to generate a random number between 1 and XXX [number based on the number of entries]. I counted through the entries until I stopped at the winner number, and those people won Clif Bars!)

So if you're one of the 5 winners, contact me so I get your mailing address!! Congrats winners! Thanks for entering everyone else!


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