Victory 10K Photos and Grand Prix Standings

>> Thursday, September 06, 2012

So the new "Grand Prix" standings are out. I'm still in the lead, but I'm scared:

Look at #9. That's speedy Ben Merchant. If he finishes off the series with 3 more solid races, he'll win. Only your top 10 finishes count, and he'll have 10 races with perfect or nearly perfect scores. I think I'm toast. He'd most likely finish well above 9,900 points, and I have 9,584 points right now. Even if I'm able to get better than 931 points at any of the remaining races (my lowest score from Rochester), I'd only earn a FEW more points - I'd be lucky to break 9,600. And I canNOT wish for Ben to NOT race the remaining races - that just doesn't feel right. We'll just have to see what happens.

Here are some photos from racing buddy Tom's girlfriend from the Victory 10K on Monday. I want to point out some of the "Grand Prix" racers that I've been running with:

Speedy Ben Merchant.
Notice there's hardly anyone around him. That's what happens when you run a 32:XX 10K!!

Scott Davis in 2nd for the Grand Prix at the 10K.

Good ole' Kirt Goetzke in 3rd. That's what a 36:xx 10K runner in his 50s looks like!

In that photo of Kirt, you can see a lot of purple back between the 2 yellow traffic light poles in the distance. That's the purple of Angie V and Erin W whom I was JUST passing at that moment. So yeah... I didn't have a real shot of catching Kirt.

You know what's depressing? Seeing a grown man (me)
trying to out-kick a 16-year-old girl (#747).......... and failing.

I paused to flex my bicep here. And apparently I was beat by Zach Galifianakis.

I had just passed #773 after he had passed me a mile before. But I couldn't catch
the 16-year-old girl. And there's Angie and Erin in the purple to the left.

Rick Larsen (yellow) and Omar Palacios (white) who I both had passed earlier.
I caught Rick right after the turn-around, and Omar with about 1.5 left.

Michael Nawrocki who said I'd catch him in the first 10 seconds. It took 10 minutes. Liar.

Jeremy in the blue. And he DOESN'T necessarily look "Ridiculously Photogenic" this time!
He IS human after all! His feet DO touch the ground! ;)

If you don't know what I'm talking about with regards to Jeremy being "Ridiculously Photogenic," check out his 2 photos in yesterday's post to learn more...

I'm starting to get a little nervous about my 25K this weekend. EXCITED, but NERVOUS. Back with more on that on Saturday.


Abigailius 6:56 AM, September 06, 2012  

Zach Galifianakis is actually my high school friend Chris Lundberg :)

Steve Stenzel 7:50 AM, September 06, 2012  

Ha! I KNEW someone would know him! Thanks Abbe! :)

Carolina John 9:21 AM, September 06, 2012  

Holy crap Merchant wins every single race he enters! That guy is seriously speedy. it must be boring to win everything.

SteveQ 10:19 AM, September 06, 2012  

I think the bigger news is that Russell ran the Rochester Half and finished behind you - I think that means I owe you a car!

(Matchbox or Hot Wheels?)

Ed 12:30 PM, September 06, 2012  

Wow lots of speedy looking people in those photos!

Anonymous,  5:03 PM, September 06, 2012  

I think your lead is safe. If you notice, Ben Merchant hasn't raced anything over 15k this year. If that holds true, he likely won't run the City of Lakes 25k or the TCM. If he skips the TCM, the max he can score is 8988...not enough to catch you.

Steve Stenzel 7:34 PM, September 06, 2012  

SteveQ: I TOTALLY forgot you said that! Ha!

Anon: A little birdie told me he's been marathon training......

Bikerpete 4:41 AM, September 07, 2012  

You know what's depressing? Seeing a grown man (me)
trying to out-kick a 16-year-old girl (#747).......... and failing.

Ha ha ha ... wenn you passed the 40 (like me), you will get used to that feeling. You will get over it ... :-)

Colin 10:14 AM, September 07, 2012  

Merchant is registered for City of Lakes 25K and the Twin Cities Marathon.

And Steve, looks like that was a typo: if you look at the event results, Patrick Russell didn't run Rochester; it looks like they gave him Ed Rousseau's score though. So you can keep your hotwheels!

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